Here are a few suggestions for report card comments on Math.
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Category | Positive | Neutral | Constructive |
Opening Sentence | It has been a privilege to teach {firstname} this year. He has done great work. | I have enjoyed having {firstname} in my class this year. | I have enjoyed watching {firstname} grow over the course of this school year. |
Completing assignments | {firstname} consistently turns in work that is complete, accurate and on-time. Her work always shows her absolute best. | {firstname} turns in work that is generally complete and accurate. He reliably turns in his assignments on time. | {firstname} struggles to complete all assigned work on time. |
Understanding (Tests/Projects) | This spring {firstname} showed a strong understanding of the concepts covered during our time away from school. His tests and graphing project scores fall in the top 10% of students. | This spring {firstname} showed understanding of the major concepts covered during our time away from school. He performed well on tests, and on the class graphing project. | {firstname} struggled to understand some concepts without access to the level of teacher feedback we enjoy in school. His test scores reveal an incomplete (or inconsistent) understanding of the major concepts covered during our time away from school. |
Standardized Test Placement | On our recent end-of-year diagnostic exam, {firstname} placed in the grade level above ours. He grew by [x] grade levels from his last placement exam - an amazing accomplishment! | On our recent end-of-year diagnostic exam, {firstname} placed at a late stage of our current grade level, exactly where students should be at the end of the year! He showed strong growth from his last placement exam, growing by half a grade level this spring. | On our recent end-of-year diagnostic exam, {firstname} placed at a mid/early grade level, which is a bit behind where students would ideally be at the end of the year. Still, he showed strong growth from his last placement exam, growing by half a grade level this spring. |
Classroom Participation | {firstname} participates frequently in our math classes, raising his hand often to share ideas with the class. He shows enthusiasm, curiosity and engagement. | {firstname} participates in our math classes when he is confident he has the correct answer. | I would like to see {firstname} share his ideas or ask questions more often in math class. |
Problem Solving | {firstname} is a creative and nuanced problem solver. When given an application problem, he is comfortable thinking flexibly, trying multiple approaches, rejecting incorrect solutions, and looking for connections between concepts. He has the ability not just to solve problems with one solution, but analyze patterns to generate many possible solutions to open-ended questions. | {firstname} is a creative problem solver. When given an application problem, he is comfortable thinking flexibly, and is able to see the value in having more than one approach. With support, {firstname} can analyze patterns to generate several possible solutions to open-ended questions. | In problem solving, {firstname} sometimes struggles to apply his knowledge in new contexts. {firstname} is uncomfortable thinking flexibly, preferring instead to rely on familiar strategies or algorithms. When provided an open-ended question, it is difficult for him to recognize patterns that could lead to multiple solutions. |
Growth Mindset / Accepts Feedback | {firstname} has a well-developed growth mindset about learning math. He understands that growth comes from mistakes and learning comes from struggle, and with practice anyone can improve their math understanding. | {firstname} is developing his growth mindset about learning math. He understands that growth comes from mistakes and learning comes from struggle, but will still sometimes revert to believing that he cannot improve. I would encourage {firstname} to remember that with practice, anyone can improve their math understanding! | {firstname} has a fixed mindset more often than a growth mindset about learning math. He struggles to see the value in making mistakes or to sit with the feelings of discomfort caused by struggling, and tends to give up if his first attempt doesn’t yield a solution. I would encourage {firstname} to remember that with practice, anyone can improve their math understanding! |
Closing Sentence | {firstname} is more than ready to take on the challenges of the next grade level. It has been a pleasure teaching him this year, and I am excited for {firstname} to continue on his math journey. | {firstname} is ready to take on the challenges of the next grade of math class. It has been a pleasure teaching him this year, and I am excited for him to continue on his math journey. | With some summer support and review, {firstname} will be ready to take on the challenges of sixth grade math. It has been a pleasure watching him grow this year, and I am excited for him to continue on his math journey. |