Here are a few suggestions for report card comments on Writing.

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Writing writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation Positive {firstname} uses correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when writing simple sentences.
Writing writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation Neutral {firstname} is encouraged to show increased attention to the use of correct spelling, grammar and punctuation with general writing skills.
Writing writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation Constructive {firstname} needs more time and practice in the use of correct spelling, grammar and punctuation with general writing skills.
Writing writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation Constructive {firstname} requires considerable assistance to achieve the correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when writing simple sentences.
Writing writing, home support Constructive {firstname} speaks very well in front of the class. However, her written work needs much improvement. With greater effort, the improvement should slowly come.
Writing writing, creative writing, vocabulary Positive {firstname} has shown a great amount of improvement with her creative writing. She has learned to use more colorful words.
Writing fluency, improvement, meeting request Constructive Although {firstname} is trying very hard, she is having difficulty writing smooth, fluent sentences. Can we meet to discuss some helpful strategies?
Writing nan nan {firstname} needs to apply skills to all written work.
Writing nan nan {firstname} excels in writing original stories and poems.
Writing nan nan {firstname} is able to place periods and question marks correctly.
Writing nan nan {firstname} uses colorful words in his writing.
Writing nan nan {firstname} uses (complex, simple) sentences in her writing.
Writing nan nan {firstname} is now able to write a complete sentence independently.
Writing nan nan {firstname} can write an original story containing two to four sentences.
Writing nan nan {firstname} puts words in the appropriate order.
Writing nan nan {firstname} shows self-confidence in writing.
Writing nan nan {firstname} can compose several related sentences.
Writing nan nan {firstname} is building a good spelling vocabulary.
Writing nan nan {firstname} uses the dictionary to find unfamiliar words.
Writing nan nan {firstname} enjoys learning to spell new words.
Writing nan nan {firstname} is able to learn to spell words easily.
Writing nan nan {firstname} sometimes reverses letters in a word.
Writing nan nan {firstname} has difficulty remembering the spelling of non-phonetic words.
Writing nan nan {firstname} is helped by using hand or body motions to remember spelling.