Here are a few suggestions for report card comments on Social-Studies.

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Category Extra Positive Positive - Neutral Constructive
Intro Sentence It has been great to have {firstname} in my Social Studies class this year. He has shown exemplary Social Studies skills throughout this year. It has been great to have {firstname} in my Social Studies class this year. He has shown strong Social Studies skills throughout this year. It has been great to have {firstname} in my Social Studies class this year and to witness his progress throughout this year.
Analyzes different viewpoints {firstname} is able to recognize differing perspectives within our readings and can identify the similarities and differences in their points of view. {firstname} is able to recognize differing perspectives within our readings and can identify most of the similarities and differences in their points of view. {firstname} is able to recognize some differing perspectives within a novel and can identify some of the similarities and differences in their points of view.
Makes connections to the material {firstname} is able to identify diverse or conflicting viewpoints from our readings and then shares this information with the class. {firstname} can also apply different connections from multiple areas (himself, the world, and other content) which only adds to the detail of his project and/or writing. {firstname} is able to identify some viewpoints from our readings and with encouragement will share this information with the class. {firstname} works hard to apply different connections from multiple areas (himself, the world, and othis content) into his projects and writing. {firstname} can describe similarities and differences between our readings, himself, and the world. {firstname} can also recognize simple themes among the content we have read throughout the year.
Participation in discussion In Humanities class a skill we focus on is discussion. Socratic Seminars is an activity where students lead the discussion. While participating in Socratic Seminars, {firstname} is well prepared in advance and actively participates in discussion and asks questions. {firstname} listens diligently and shows understanding by paraphrasing or by acknowledging and building on others ideas. {firstname} also draws out ideas from other classmates, especially those who have said little and helps the group stay on track. After our last Socratic Seminar, I had students reflect on their growth and {firstname} said, “ In Humanities class a skill we focus on is discussion. Socratic Seminars is an activity which students lead the discussion. While participating in Socratic Seminars, {firstname} is well prepared in advance and actively participates in discussion and asks questions. {firstname} listens diligently and shows understanding by paraphrasing or by acknowledging and building on others ideas. After our last Socratic Seminar, I had students reflect on their growth and {firstname} said, “ In Humanities class a skill we focus on is discussion. Socratic Seminars is an activity which students lead the discussion. While participating in Socratic Seminars, {firstname} is moderately prepared in advance and participates in discussions. But he usually lets others provide the direction of the conversation. {firstname} occasionally introduces information or asks questions. After our last Socratic Seminar, I had students reflect on their growth and {firstname} said, “
Demonstrates understanding Throughout the year students have been learning about different perspectives and immigration. {firstname} has demonstrated his understanding of these perspectives through his written work and thematic projects by showing a deep and clear understanding of the concepts covered. He earned X% on his most recent project and throughout the year has received a 90% or above. Throughout the year students have been learning about different perspectives and immigration. {firstname} has demonstrated his understanding of these perspectives through his written work and thematic projects. He earned X% on his most recent project and throughout the year has received 80% or above. Throughout the year students have been learning about different perspectives and immigration. {firstname} has demonstrated a fundamental level understanding of these perspectives through his written work and thematic projects. He earned X% on his most recent project and throughout the year has received a 70% or above.
Closing sentences It has been a joy to have {firstname} in my class. He has done an exemplary job this year and has worked very hard. It has been a joy to have {firstname} in my class. He has done a wonderful job this year and has worked hard. It has been a joy to have {firstname} in my class. He has consistently put forth his best effort, throughout this year and has grown in his Social Studies skills.