Here are a few suggestions for report card comments on Language.

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Language nan Constructive {firstname} ’s (comprehension, spelling, reading) has greatly improved, but he/she still needs extra work in (comprehension, spelling, reading). Please contact me if you need supplemental learning materials to use at home for practice.
Language nan Positive {firstname} is conscious of putting care into his/her daily writing work, and frequently goes beyond the minimum requirements for assignments.
Language nan Constructive {firstname} has trouble with his handwriting. I believe he/she can form letters well, but has to slow down and take a little more time. Neater handwriting will improve his/her schoolwork overall.
Language nan Neutral {firstname} makes a good effort to make his/her handwriting legible. He/she is able to print on the lines, use good spacing, and form letters correctly.
Language nan Constructive {firstname} needs to focus on her spelling. More improvement is needed in the areas of (dictation, weekly spelling tests, sentence structure). Daily practice at home will help improve his/her results.
Language nan Positive {firstname} shows the ability to quickly use spelling, punctuation and grammar rules that were recently taught. He/she is able to quickly learn new skills and is eager to apply them to his/her writing.
Language nan Constructive {firstname} is having considerable difficulty with reading, particularly with fluency and comprehension.
Language nan Constructive {firstname} speaks well in front of the class, but requires improvement in written language. He/she is having trouble with (dictation, copying words correctly, story writing, creating logical sequences). Further practice is needed in this area.
Language improvement, progress Neutral {firstname} continues to make excellent progress in spelling and reading. He/she works hard to submit work that is free of grammatical errors.
Language writing skills, mechanics Constructive {firstname} has difficulty remembering previously discussed writing skills and often makes errors with punctuation, grammar, and overall sentence structure. Basic writing skills need improvement.