Here are a few suggestions for report card comments on Kindergarten-Report-Card-Comments.

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Kindergarten academics, improvement Positive {firstname} has made solid progress in [reading/writing/math] and is performing [at grade level/above grade level] benchmarks. Good job!
Kindergarten academics, improvement Neutral {firstname} is making progress in [his/her] core subjects but is having some difficulty with _____. I am not concerned about this at the moment, and believe that with continued hard work [he/she] will see improvement quickly.
Kindergarten academics, improvement Constructive I am concerned with {firstname}’s academic progress, and would like to schedule a conference with you to discuss how best to support [his/her} efforts both in school and at home.
Kindergarten academics, improvement Positive {firstname} is an attentive student who has shown regular improvement in [reading/writing/math] skills since [his/her] last report card.
Kindergarten academics, improvement Positive {firstname} works hard in class and has excellent [reading/writing/math] skills for [his/her] age. {He\she] enjoys [these/this subject(s)]. Please encourage [him/her] to use these skills at home!
Kindergarten academics, improvement Neutral {firstname} is an enthusiastic learner who enjoys school. [He/she] is having some difficulty with [reading/writing/math] - please continue to review with {him/her] nightly.
Kindergarten academics, improvement Constructive {firstname} has continued to struggle with [reading/writing/math], despite additional in-class and at-home support. I would like to schedule a conference with you to discuss benchmark testing and possible specialist support.
Kindergarten academics, improvement Positive {firstname} really enjoys school and [his/her] enthusiasm is reflected in the quality of work [he/she] does in class and at home. [He/she] is a great student!
Kindergarten work ethic Constructive {firstname} does mostly good work, but [he/she] is not consistent. We will continue to work on helping [him/her] submit [his/her] best work every time - please continue with the great support at home!
Kindergarten work ethic Constructive As discussed in previous meetings, {firstname}’s work habits still require continued support and attention in order to get [him/her] to an acceptable level.
Kindergarten work ethic Positive {firstname} has made great progress in improving [his/her] work habits, and is now submitting work that is grade-level appropriate. Great job!
Kindergarten work ethic Constructive {firstname} is struggling with completing work and other tasks on time and without assistance. {He/she] is easily distracted and has difficulty staying on task when this happens.
Kindergarten work ethic Positive {firstname} has excellent work habits and always completes [his/her] work and other tasks on time and with great care. [He/she] is a great model for other students in our class!
Kindergarten work ethic Neutral {firstname} generally does quality work, but is sometimes too focused on getting [his/her] independent work done too quickly, which leads to issues with accuracy and unnecessary errors. Please help to reinforce a careful and focused work pace at home.
Kindergarten work ethic Positive {firstname} works very well independently, is enthusiastic and conscientious, and submits neat, correct, and high-quality work every time. Awesome job!
Kindergarten work ethic Constructive {firstname} is struggling to finish independent assignments. [He/she] has made progress in managing time and making serious efforts, but needs continued support in this area in order to develop the skills necessary for doing great work on [his/her] own.
Kindergarten attitude, personality Positive {firstname} is thoughtful, pleasant, curious, and a hard worker. [He/she] enjoys school and is a great classmate. Great job!
Kindergarten attitude, personality Constructive {firstname} is struggling with consistency in [his/her] attitude in school. While [he/she] is very good at [behavior/attitude], [he/she] sometimes struggles with [behavior/attitude]. We will continue to work on this, and your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Kindergarten attitude, personality Positive {firstname} shows interest in and enthusiasm for school, [his/her] classmates, and learning and applying new skills and concepts. [He/she] is a joy to have in class.
Kindergarten attitude, personality Positive {firstname} enjoys participating in class activities, working in groups, and helping others. [He/she] adds a lot to the personality of our classroom and is well-liked by other students.
Kindergarten attitude, personality, group work Constructive {firstname} needs to be encouraged to participate more in class activities and group work. [He/she] has made progress with this since the beginning of the year, but has more work to do.
Kindergarten attitude, personality Constructive {firstname} is struggling with consistently following classroom rules, especially those having to do with [behavior/attitude/norm]. I am confident that with ongoing support and reminders, [he/she] will make quick improvements in this area.
Kindergarten attitude, personality, meeting request Constructive {firstname} has continued to struggle with adapting to classroom rules and routines. I would like to schedule a conference with you to discuss how we can work together to improve [his/her] behavior.
Kindergarten attitude, personality Positive {firstname}’s attitude toward school and [his/her] classmates has improved dramatically since the last reporting period. Thank you for your help!
Kindergarten social-emotional learning Positive {firstname} manages and regulates [his/her] emotions appropriately and responds well to feedback.
Kindergarten social-emotional learning Positive {firstname} is very good at finishing things that [he/she] starts and seeing them all the way through to the end result.
Kindergarten social-emotional learning, communication Positive {firstname} communicates very effectively with classmates, teachers, and other staff members.
Kindergarten social-emotional learning Positive {firstname} is dependable and reliable, responds well to direction and coaching, and follows through on [his/her] commitments to [him/her]self and others.
Kindergarten social-emotional learning Positive {firstname} is responsible and accountable for [his/her] work, behavior, and communication both inside and outside the classroom.
Kindergarten social-emotional learning Positive {firstname} is always looking for ways to be helpful to other students and members of the school community.
Kindergarten social-emotional learning, group work Positive {firstname} works very well with classmates and others on group projects and activities, and is comfortable being a leader.
Kindergarten social-emotional learning Positive {firstname} relates well to others and is appreciative of different perspectives, experiences, and circumstances.