Here are a few suggestions for report card comments on Handwriting.

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Handwriting motor skills, handwriting Constructive {firstname}’s handwriting needs to be improved.
Handwriting motor skills Positive {firstname} has good fine-motor skills.
Handwriting motor skills Constructive {firstname} has poor fine-motor skills.
Handwriting handwriting, motor skills Positive {firstname} is able to print on the lines.
Handwriting handwriting, neatness Positive {firstname} spaces letters and words correctly.
Handwriting handwriting, neatness Constructive {firstname}’s work is not neat.
Handwriting handwriting, letter formation Constructive {firstname} does not form letters correctly.
Handwriting handwriting, neatness Constructive Some of {firstname}’s printing is excellent, but it is often untidy in daily assignments.
Handwriting handwriting, dyslexia, spelling Constructive When printing, {firstname} often reverses letters, such as __, __, etc.Report Card Comments for Language Arts and Reading