Here are a few suggestions for report card comments on English.
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Category | Positive | Neutral | Constructive |
Intro sentence | Throughout the year {firstname} has always shown her strong reading and language arts skills and dedication. | Throughout the year {firstname} has shown strong reading and language arts skills and a hard work ethic. | {firstname} has shown hard work, perseverance and dedication to improve her reading and language arts skills. |
Class Participation | {firstname} has been a consistent and independent participant throughout the year. She has consistently participated by making and/or confirming predictions, supporting answers with text evidence, locating facts and details, making inferences about texts, asking relevant questions, and when needed seeking clarification. | {firstname} has improved her participation throughout this year, and now participates with increased frequency and less support. {firstname} participates by locating facts and details, making inferences about texts, and asking relevant questions. | {firstname} is still a little shy in the classroom and needs some coaxing to participate. When {firstname} does participate she locates facts and details, retells important details or information and makes inferences about texts. |
Written Comprehension | {firstname} demonstrates comprehension through written work by explaining her ideas, expressing her feelings, or supporting a conclusion. She exceeds all of the assigned content requirements and her knowledge of the content is accurate. | {firstname} demonstrates comprehension through written work by explaining her ideas, expressing her feelings, or supporting a conclusion. She fulfills the content requirements of the assignment, and her knowledge of the content is accurate except in minor details. | {firstname} demonstrates comprehension through written work by fulfilling some of the important content requirements of the assignment and her knowledge of the content is slightly accurate. The information presented reveals that {firstname} has only partially comprehended or understood the material. |
Generates/develops ideas | In writing and while participating, {firstname} states the main topic clearly and all her points are supported by specific and highly effective examples/evidence. | In writing and while participating, {firstname} states the main topic and most of her points are supported by specific examples/evidence. | In writing and while participating, {firstname} does not clearly state the main topic and some of her points are not supported by specific examples/evidence. |
Written Organization | {firstname}’s writing uses evidence that is frequently in line with the purpose of the writing. {firstname}’s analysis is consistently clear and appropriate to the audience and to the purpose of the piece. In emphasizing important points, {firstname} uses evidence logically and carefully. {firstname} then revises drafts by adding or deleting words, phrases, or sentences. She also then uses the teacher-developed rubric to make sure she has met or exceeded all requirements. | {firstname}’s writing uses evidence that is generally appropriate for the purpose of the writing. {firstname}’s analysis is also mostly clear and appropriate to the audience and to the purpose of the piece. In emphasizing important points, {firstname} generally uses evidence logically and carefully. {firstname} then revises drafts by adding or deleting words, phrases, or sentences without needing as much guidance compared to the beginning of the year. With reminding {firstname} will use the teacher-developed rubric to make sure she has met all requirements. | {firstname}’s writing makes some attempt to provide evidence for the audience, but some information is either irrelevant or insufficient. {firstname}’s analysis is generally clear to the audience and to the purpose of the piece, but may be lacking in some aspects of the use of evidence. With guidance {firstname} can revise drafts by adding or deleting words, phrases, or sentences. Even with reminding, {firstname} will sometimes not use the teacher-developed rubric and thus does not meet all requirements. |
Poetry Assignment | For example: In {firstname}’s poetry assignment she added in quotes from the text that supported the themes given to her in the prompt. {firstname} also organized the poem in a way that was compelling, and offered a well developed view into the prompt. | For example: In {firstname}’s poetry assignment she added details from the text that supported the themes given to her in the prompt. {firstname} also organized the poem in a way that was engaging. | In {firstname}’s poetry assignment she added details from the text that supported the themes given to her in the prompt. However, {firstname} also organized the poem in a way that was somewhat hard to follow with different details being out of order. |
Essay Assignment | In {firstname}’s essay, she clearly stated the purpose of the essay and intertwined those details throughout. {firstname} also demonstrated insightful comprehension and analysis of the text with relevant and well chosen details. | In {firstname}’s essay she stated the purpose of the essay and used those details throughout. {firstname} also demonstrated comprehension and analysis of the text with relevant details. | {firstname}’s essay partially developed the topic of the essay with the use of some textual evidence, some of which may be irrelevant. {firstname} usage of irrelevant evidence shows a limited comprehension of the text. |
Standardized Test Performance | On our recent diagnsotic exam, {firstname} placed at a grade level above her current level. This year, she went from X grade to X grade. That means she has grown X times the typical growth in a year, which is an amazing accomplishment! | On our recent diagnsotic exam, {firstname} placed at a late stage of her current grade level. This year, she went from X grade to X grade. That means she has grown X times the typical growth in a year, which is an amazing accomplishment! | On our recent diagnostic exam, {firstname} placed at an early/mid grade level, which is a bit behind where students would ideally be at the end of the year. This year, she went from X grade to X grade. |
Written mechanics | {firstname}’s punctuation is clear, appropriate, and purposeful. The writer consistently exhibits a command of punctuation, as indicated by the appropriate use of or varied punctuation. | {firstname}’s punctuation is clear, appropriate, and purposeful. An occasional misuse or omission does not interfere with meaning. | {firstname}’s punctuation is generally clear, appropriate, and purposeful, although misuses or omissions occasionally interfere with meaning. |
Extracurricular reading | {firstname} has always been and continues to be an avid reader. I will give {firstname} suggestions of books and she always takes them. Her enjoyment of reading makes me a very happy English teacher. | Since the beginning of the year {firstname} has grown in her independent reading practice and is reading a variety of books. Instead of just reading X she will now read X. This growth has been exciting to see! | {firstname} has not grown in regards to her independent reading practice. I have given many suggestions of books, but she does not take those suggestions, and sticks with X. If she continues with these types of books I suggest increasing the difficulty. |
Closing sentences | {firstname} is a strong student and a hard worker. I have thoroughly enjoyed having her in my class this year. I hope she has a wonderful summer. | {firstname} is a hard worker. I have thoroughly enjoyed having her in my class this year. I hope she has a wonderful summer. | {firstname} has made much progress over the course of this year. Keep up this attitude and work ethic in 6th grade and enjoy your summer. |