Here are a few suggestions for report card comments on Citizenship.

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Citizenship nan nan Although {firstname} has had some difficulty adjusting to our room and various duties, he usually tries to cooperate.
Citizenship nan nan As you know from my reports to you, {firstname} has had some problems adjusting to our room. Please continue to work with him in this area.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} has made many fine contributions to our class and is an inspiration to her classmates.
Citizenship nan nan No matter how busy {firstname} is, he still has time to do something nice for someone. For this reason, he is one of the best citizens in my class.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} assumes responsibility well, excels on the playground, and is well liked by her peers.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is trying to practice good citizenship habits, but has been inconsistent with this. He needs to remember that we play only at certain times.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is a very dependable student. She frequently helps her classmates without being asked to do so. Thank-you for your help.
Citizenship nan nan Since our last conference, {firstname} has shown great improvement in the area of citizenship. Thank-you for your support.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is starting to understand that in order to be a part of this class, she must follow the classroom rules. More improvement is needed for her to be successful in this area.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is one the best citizens in the class. He often volunteers and helps others without being asked.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is learning to be careful, cooperative, and fair.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is very helpful with cleanup work around the room.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} gets along well with other children.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} accepts responsibility.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} works well with her neighbors.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is a good citizen.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} makes friends quickly and is well liked by classmates.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} cooperates well.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} helps others.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is a big help in seeing that our room looks clean and pleasant.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is a fine citizen and takes a keen interest in school.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} possesses good self-discipline.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is respectful of others.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} can be very helpful and dependable in the classroom.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is always cooperative.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} needs to improve respect for others.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} interrupts others.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} needs to learn more socially acceptable behavior.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} needs to improve his self-control so he can be more socially accepted.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} is learning to listen and share with others.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} has difficulty following the classroom rules.
Citizenship nan nan {firstname} does too much talking. It is disturbing to the other children.