Here are a few suggestions for report card comments on Achievement.

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Achievement effort, improvement Positive If {firstname} will continue to put forth the effort he has shown in the past two reporting periods, he will receive a great deal from his schooling.
Achievement suggestions, improvement Neutral The following suggestions might improve his __.
Achievement effort, engagement, improvement Positive I am hoping this recent interest and improvement will continue.
Achievement effort, engagement, improvement Neutral {firstname} is making progress in all academic areas. She is having some difficulty with __, but if she continues to work hard she will see improvement soon.
Achievement effort, neatness Positive {firstname} takes great pride in all of the work he does and always does a neat job.
Achievement careless, attention to detail Constructive {firstname} volunteers frequently and makes wonderful contributions to class. She does tend to work too quickly, which results in many careless errors. We can help her to correct this at home and at school.
Achievement effort, vocabulary, reading, writing Positive {firstname} is a very hard worker and has excellent vocabulary skills for his age. He enjoys reading and writing.
Achievement attitude, effort Positive __’s excellent attitude is reflected in the work she does. Thank you for your efforts.
Achievement effort, struggling, meeting request Constructive Although {firstname} tries to do his best, he often has difficulty keeping up with the rest of the class. Can we meet to discuss this?
Achievement progress, effort, struggling, meeting request Constructive I am concerned about __’s progress this year. She has shown some improvement but her growth is not where it should be at this point in the school year. Please call to schedule a conference so we can discuss this.
Achievement effort, struggling, below grade level Constructive As we discussed in our recent conference, {firstname}’s work is below grade standards. I am sure with that more effort and concentration he will show rapid improvement.
Achievement effort, struggling, attitude Constructive {firstname} has great enthusiasm for everything we do in class. However, she is having some difficulty with ___. Please continue to review this with her nightly.